The African Opportunity

Africa is home to many of the fastest growing economies in the world, with a young population of approximately 1.2bn people, abundant natural resources and a growing digitally connected middle class.

With an industrial, digital and services revolution in progress, Africa is now firmly placed on the map as an investment destination. Indeed, with global corporates increasing their footprint on the continent, development agencies channelling funds into key infrastructure and private equity funds sponsoring successful home-grown businesses, Africa is starting to realise its true potential.

These trends are creating growing markets in a series of sectors where local populations have unmet needs, such as infrastructure, consumer goods, food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, financial services, health care and education.

For entrepreneurs and investors who recognise Africa’s unmet needs and are ready to embrace the associated opportunities, there is tremendous scope for growth and value creation.

Deal-Making in Africa

For all its promise, Africa remains elusive for many international businesses and investors. Mapping and executing investment opportunities across Africa’s diverse countries and cities is still perceived by some as an insurmountable challenge for various reasons, including the following:

  • Africa’s 54 countries are diverse in terms of population, economic systems, development levels, growth rates and stability
  • Operating challenges based on gaps in infrastructure investment and a perceived lack of support network on the ground
  • A perceived reliance on the inherently cyclical natural resource sector, although this perception is dissipating as other sectors gain traction

For the same reasons, both international and local African businesses looking to develop on the continent have found it difficult to access specialist financial advice and funding given the scarcity of financial institutions with a presence across Africa.

With capabilities in investment banking and corporate finance advisory and an extensive network in Africa to draw upon, CIGP brings together the specialist expertise necessary to successfully identify and manage corporate finance transactions in Africa and this expertise is founded upon:

  • Years of deal-making experience on the continent
  • An extensive international and local network of investors and specialist advisors
  • A strong presence in Asia, including access to businesses and investors based in China and the Middle East with existing interests in Africa and strategic objectives for further expansion

Banking the African Shareholder

Some of Africa’s most successful companies have been founded by visionaries and perpetuated by entrepreneurial families. Our own entrepreneurial roots place us in a strong position to understand the choices facing shareholders of fast-growing companies. Drawing upon this and years of deal-making experience in Africa, CIGP is well placed to help businesses and investors with interests in Africa to:

  • Manage volatility and de-risk investments by identifying attractive opportunities
  • Identify the right partners and raise third party capital
  • Formulate effective governance processes
  • Create a sustainable legacy through effective succession planning in challenging jurisdictions

Offering a global network alongside local capabilities, CIGP creates tailored and innovative solutions for businesses and investors across a broad range of services in investment banking, asset management and private banking.